
Start Over

The table below explains when you are eligible.

Once you are a member of the Plan, you will keep contributing as long as you have an assigned work week. You cannot choose to stop contributing if your assigned hours are less than 12 hours per week.

Membership is mandatory, but there is an exception. You are not eligible for membership after the end of the year in which you reach age 71, as stated in the Income Tax Rules.

If you are... then your membership begins...
in an indeterminate position or in a position of more than six months and a on your first day of work.
in a position of six months or less and a
on the day following six months of continuous employment.
a postmaster in a corporate-owned or leased group office, once your survey hours are at least 12 hours per week
a postmaster in a privately owned or leased group office, once your survey hours are at least 12 hours per week
a term* employee represented by the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (CPAA),

*CPAA term employees are considered temporary employees as defined in the Plan
on the day you start a long-term replacement assignment.

Note: As a part-time employee, at a minimum, your membership begins on the day that you complete two years of uninterrupted service with Canada Post and have earned 35% of the year's maximum pensionable earnings (YMPE) in each of the two preceding calendar years.